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Kanglongpharma was founded in 2001 and through 18years of experience,we are now a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical packing area.We specialize in butyl rubber stopper for blood collection tube,butyl rubber stopper for infusion...

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Medical rubber stopper

In hospital injection rooms, one often sees rubber stoppers on discarded vials. Medical rubber stoppers look like waste, but in fact
It is a good walking fitness material.
If the medical rubber plug is cleaned and made into a massage road, the foot is stepped on it, and the rubber plug will continuously stimulate the nerve endings of the sole of the foot, evenly.
, Powerfully massage the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, and regulate the internal organs through the central nervous system, which is conducive to blood circulation, dredging collaterals and stasis, accelerating
The purpose of metabolism, prevention and treatment of disease. For example, 38-year-old Mr. Wang suffers from dysmenorrhea. On the first day of menstruation, his stomach hurts so badly
Land, suffering for more than 20 years. One day, my cousin who works in the hospital gave her a massage road 2 meters long and 1 meter wide made of rubber stoppers and told her
Walking on it with bare feet for 30-60 minutes every day, after 2 months, it not only solved the dysmenorrhea problem that had plagued Teacher Wang for many years, but also made Wang Lao.
The teacher felt that his energy was several times more abundant than before, and his memory was also significantly improved.
Production method According to the site conditions at home, find hundreds or thousands of medical rubber stoppers, wash them with disinfectant, and store them in a cool place.
Fang cool and dry. Then, go to the market to buy two 2-meter-long, 1-meter-wide plywood, and glue the medical rubber stopper on the plywood (rubber stopper and rubber
The distance of the plug is 1 cm), wait for the glue to solidify.
Time: Walk barefoot on the rubber stopper every morning, noon and evening for about 30 minutes each time. Long-term persistence can effectively prevent and treat
It can treat common diseases such as headache, insomnia, toothache, constipation, rhinitis, dysmenorrhea, low back and leg pain.
Walking After making the rubber plug massage road, take off your shoes and socks, wash your feet, dry them, relax, and massage with the rubber plugs on your bare feet
Road, smooth, even and fast walk. The speed is from slow to fast, step by step. Be careful not to rush, at the beginning, the soles of your feet will be covered by rubber plugs
pressure, causing a slight pain and numbness, so you must have a certain patience, do not be impatient, persevere, after a few days, the soles of your feet will feel comfortable.
There will be no pain and numbness.
Matters needing attention Since the rubber stopper material is a rubber product, it is usually necessary to strengthen the storage, keep it away from high temperature, and prevent it from being exposed to the sun. due to oak
The rubber stopper is relatively hard, and when you start to walk on it, blisters may appear on the soles of your feet, so you should apply even force and move your feet slowly. When foot blisters appear,
Immediately stop walking, wait for the foot foam to absorb, and then walk on it.